While trawling Brickshelf, I found this remarkably good IG-2000 by Fox-Primus. The dedication needed to make such a good copy of a hugely obscure Star Wars vehicle is rare.
Welcome to the companion blog to the Lego Undiscovered Talent group! The blog highlights all of the best MOCs displayed in the flickr group, in addition to some undiscovered MOCs on Brickshelf. The URL for the Flickr group is http://www.flickr.com/groups/legotalent
Legolord gives us a flaming good little scene, depicting a wicked battle with great use of vegetation and fire. Good job!
I really like this MOC by PonchoPenguin. I don't know if it is the color-coordinated soldiers, or the cave technique, but something about it Ambushes my fancy.
This magnificent vessel by http://flickr.com/photos/32161137@N08/ (Arzlan) makes use of some wonderfully eye-pleasing boat technique, good work!
BrickArt!san brings us this truly wonderful Classic-Space fighter. With those sleek curves and bold colours, I can just picture it zooming trough hyperspace!