
Eight years...

Eight years...
Originally uploaded by .d.boy.
This diorama combines an excellently sculptured base with well-designed ruins to make a thoroughly superb build. Great job!


Hell's Kitchen by Fanboy 30

Hell's Kitchen
Originally uploaded by Fanboy30
Fanboy 30's scene is very funny. Obviously.


New Layout

So, I figured we could use a new look. I find it refreshing, and unless there are any objections, we'll keep it.


Past Present Future

Crisis_crs has brought us this great new MOC. He combines the past present and future versions of a building and its street with such great elements. The different versions of the horse are very cool. Overall one of the most original MOCs I've seen in a long time.


It's a me, Mario!

Filip has given us these really cute Super Mario Bros. sprites. He also has a great collection of Pikman MOCs which are also superb.


An Oldie

A newer member of our group, the Zipper has given us a bunch of MOCs to comment on. Many of you may have seen them on Brickshelf but now you can comment on them on flickr. This is one of my personal favorites with a perfect balance of Technic and System parts.


KryptonHeidt's Riot Mech will peacefully kill you.

Riot Mech
Originally uploaded by KryptonHeidt
KryptonHeidt keeps getting better and better. His latest mech, the Riot Mech, is amazing. I especially like the creative sticker use.

Great job!


Republic Gunship

Republic Gunship
Originally uploaded by MasterChief 1
Much better than original :D


MechaniMech and MediMech

These new hardsuits are great! The color, proportions and articulation make them amazing not to mention the overall aesthetics of their design. Although they don't seem to be designed for non-combat purposes, they are still awesome. Thank you Andromula for giving us these beautiful creations.


Jurassic Park Jeep

'John's newest creation is quite nice. The red section adds nice visual appeal and the overall design is nice. I think it's the perfect size for a fig and it looks like it could handle any dino.


Aston Martin Vigor 53-7

Aston Martin Vigor 53-7
Originally uploaded by Cole Blaq
Cole Blaq has built (yet another) awesome spaceship, this time in red. As he mentions, this ship is entirely non-violent, with no guns to speak of. This ship is pure win.


One Sweet Cargo Ship

Scouzy has brought to us yet another awesome MOC. This sleek cargo ship is loaded with tons of great details like the detailed interior. It is quite unconventional which makes it stand out from the normal ships. A nice simple color scheme makes it look very nice as well.


Tailspin Truck

KryptonHeidt's new truck is very rugged looking and I have to say I really like it. I can't quite pick a favorite part, I really like the whole cab area. Well done!


Space Pirates!

I'm back and I have brought with me the 1st place ship from the Space Pirate Building Competition. The Excelera Nomad V2 is a very nice ship built by Andromula. I especially love the low hanging engines which use those treads very nicely.


Tahu Mata Revised

Tahu Mata Revised
Originally uploaded by ((Primus))
This MOC by ((Primus)) struck me as an excellent creation from the thumbnail. The combination of black and red in just the right proportions with the nice background made this Bionicle-esque creation for me, a non-Bionicle builder. Great job!


Japanese building by Iccliao

tadashistate spotted this beautiful Japanese building by Brickshelf user Iccliao. The architecture that he packs into the building is astounding, especially the shapes he achieves. There are also many small, hidden details in here that make the whole MOC very worthwhile to look at. Great job!


Castle by infomaniac man

castle - 19
Originally uploaded by infomaniac man
tadashistate spotted this lovely little castle by a relative newcomer to the community, infomaniac man. I especially love the way he transitions the SNOT water into the rock outcropping. Great job!


Hello everyone, Doctor Sinister has directed my attention toward a lovely new site on the web, focusing on Neo-Classic Spacey Goodness! Here is the official press release:

March 2009 sees the 30th anniversary of the original Classic Space sets from LEGO. Now, three decades on, it’s time for a celebration of spacey goodness at www.neoclassicspace.com.Neo-Classic Space is a reimagining of the LEGO Classic Space range, using modern building techniques and parts. More than just inspired by the Classic Space sets, Neo-Classic Space is an extrapolation of the line into the 21st century and beyond. We aim to follow a carefully thought standard, which we feel is in keeping with the original designs.The culmination of a top-secret project planned over many months, www.neoclassicspace.com will present a new model every day throughout March, many from builders you already know and love, some from new talent you may not have discovered.This is only the beginning. It is time to retake space. We hope you'll come along for the ride!

As he said, Neo-Classic Space is a great area to build in, and I certainly encourage all of you to build some in this awesome theme! I look forward to blogging your MOCs.


The BrickArt!san is in Action!

Hello, regular folks and LEGO fans alike! BrickArt!san is in the house, and am I ever happy about it..! I'll most likely be the guy who does the tech-stuff 'round here, since computers are my second nature, 1st being LEGO of course.

With that being said here is a bit more 'bout me:
  • I love LEGO.
  • I love Computers.
  • I love science magazines (escpesially POPSCI).
  • I am a young teen who resides in a beautiful country called Canada.
  • No, we Canadians do not live in igloos, like some say.
  • I build with LEGO every day.
  • I have built with LEGO for 10 years at the least.
  • I can't wait to do more with this blog, I Love giving a helping hand!

See, there's not too much about me, but for what is interesting about me, just go here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29515662@N07/

That's all for now folks, TTYL



Hello everyone,
After consulting with the moderators of our group, we have decided to implement the Lego Undiscovered Talent improvement drive. This program will encourage the growth of the talent of our less experienced builders by providing constructive criticism from the more experienced ones. This is how it works:

1. Go to the flickr site.
2. Post your MOC in the discussion thread.
3. The Admins/mods of the group will vote on the MOC on a scale of 10.
4. The average score for the MOC becomes the MOC score.
5. The builder's average MOC score becomes the builders' score.
6. The administration keeps a record of the highest scoring MOCs and builders.

Constructive criticism will also be provided.


Hanazu Armada

Hanazu Armada, originally uploaded by tadashistate.

These awesome microscale ships by fellow blogger Tadashistate are awesome! I'm diggin' the trans-blue highlights.


Congratulations Erik

Erik Smit or .eti won the Mini Moc Madness Contest with this great little vig. Great idea and techniques!


A Big Brute

I am a sucker for heavy mechs and this bad boy is no exception. Brought to us by TerremotoQuake, it would have been a shame for this to have gone with the proper admiration. Wicked job.


A Refreshing Castle

I found this on Brickshelf and I'm quite glad I came across it because it has a numbre of interesting techniques. Some of plants are quite different and the yellow mixed in with the brown is a nice contrast with the normal gray. Thank you vzoteev for this splendid castle.


The Typhoon

This massive thing has all the right junk in the trunk. The engine alone is a dream for any hardcore mechanics. Thank you Andrea for building this hunk of awesomeness.

Crab Droid

Brickshelf user Stuyvenberg built this brilliant little Star Wars crab droid, as seen on Utapau. I love how it fits to be minifig scale, which is a hard feat to accomplish for this droid in particular. Great MOC!


Blue Devil

Blue Devil, originally uploaded by The Grandpappy.

This amazing mech by Blue Devil looks awesome! Along with its pose-ability, it has very striking looks. Well done!


Sometimes Science needs a helping hand...

That's twice now Doctor Sinister has made it here, this time with a trip into history. Excellent idea with the apples and just fun all around, this MOC deserves to be noticed.


The Stinkbug

This machine certainly does not stink as it crawls around its little rock showing off its awesome details. Thank you Ca'gerrin for building this thing.


Herding Sheep over a Minefield by Doctor Sinister

Hehehe... Doctor Sinister is funny in a twisted kind of way.



Going through brickshelf, I found this beauty brought to us by Scratel. One of my favorite futuristic cars, it's sleek body and nice curves are fit for high speeds.

At the Market

At the Market
Originally uploaded by powerpig
Chris M (powerpig) is a master of photography. He has continued with a great range of Lego-related photos that I really enjoy. Even though this may not technically be a MOC, I think it is worthy of more attention. Good job!


Mobile Artillery Vehicle

Jason Baker (thebigtubadaddy) really blew me away this time with his Mobile Artillery Vehicle. The way he angles the frame down to the snug cockpit is genius. Great job!


IG-2000 by Fox-Primus

While trawling Brickshelf, I found this remarkably good IG-2000 by Fox-Primus. The dedication needed to make such a good copy of a hugely obscure Star Wars vehicle is rare.



For a fresh touch of bionicle, kawazu1120 brings this bad boy. Such a splendidly unique MOC is worth recognizing.

Future Bike

Moko gives us a taste of the future with this lovely bike. Built with some unique techniques, this is a build for all the bike lovers out there.


The 101st Elite Blast In!

the_101st_elite, originally uploaded by LegoLord..

Legolord gives us a flaming good little scene, depicting a wicked battle with great use of vegetation and fire. Good job!

Ambushed by PonchoPenguin

Ambush, originally uploaded by PonchoPenguin.

I really like this MOC by PonchoPenguin. I don't know if it is the color-coordinated soldiers, or the cave technique, but something about it Ambushes my fancy.

維京戰船 (Viking Longboat )

維京戰船, originally uploaded by ArzLan.

This magnificent vessel by http://flickr.com/photos/32161137@N08/ (Arzlan) makes use of some wonderfully eye-pleasing boat technique, good work!


LL-32, originally uploaded by BrickArt!san.

BrickArt!san brings us this truly wonderful Classic-Space fighter. With those sleek curves and bold colours, I can just picture it zooming trough hyperspace!

Final Blossom

Built by ook22,otherwise known as icecoldmilk, this diorama is a beautiful blend of Black Fantasy and post-apoc themes. Both dramatic and subtle, it incorporates nice elements. The rubble techniques and the robot alone are enough to satisfy all your apocalyptic desires. Destruction never looked so beautiful.


Desert Eagle MKVII (.44 Magnum)

This is Part III of our recent series on older submissions to the group. PyBrick Replicas is a master of firearm replicas: shown by this pistol he made.

A Street in Cuba

A street in Cuba
Originally uploaded by Legonova
As part two of our series on early MOCs added to the group, here is A Street in Cuba by Legonova. I really like the car in this MOC in addition to the upper story, really creative brickwork there.

Heavy Fighter

Heavy Fighter
Originally uploaded by thebigtubadaddy
As part one of our series of early submissions to our group, here is Heavy Fighter by thebigtubadaddy. Enjoy!

The Blog is up!

Hello to all the great members over at the Lego Undiscovered Talent group on flickr, and anyone else who might be visiting. I am Jamie, known as delucks on flickr. After consulting with all the administration of the group, we have decided to launch this blog to highlight the finest accomplishments from builders within our group. Check back soon for more exciting developments to the blog! But in the meantime, I will post a few of my personal favorites from the early history of our group.